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Equipment Specifications and Application Procedures

A 20-foot commercial boat capable of carrying 2500 pounds of liquid herbicide with a bow mount 24’ boom with 14 water forced injection nozzles. Liquid herbicide is applied through the boom and can be applied at the same time as granular. Two on‐board tanks can be separately calibrated at different rates. The herbicide is then injected under the water column from the 14 sub‐surface nozzles. With the need for accurate residual monitoring to determine concentration rates and exposure times, this system eliminates the variable application rate. On board is a sub‐meter GPS/Guidance system that computes a centerline for each application swath within the treatment polygon. Real-time Mapping shows the boat on the lake, the herbicide application path, and also produces a record of the application. This system also helps to eliminate missed or overlapping of the herbicide. It’s very difficult to evaluate a treatment if you don’t know where you are or how much herbicide is being applied to the treatment area.

This same boat is capable of carrying 2500 pounds of granular herbicide with a bow mount 24’ boom with 12 forced air nozzles. These air nozzles receive herbicide from 12 mechanical‐metering wheels. The rotating speed of these mechanical‐metering wheels supplies the exact amount of herbicide required for a pre‐determined application rate. The herbicide is then blown under the water surface at approximately 2‐foot intervals, eliminating herbicide drift due to wind; an inherent problem with broadcast spreaders. This system will use herbicide material more efficiently, maintaining a constant application rate, and allowing us to be more accurate in determining effective application rates. This system eliminates the calibration variable due to inconsistency in product size that must rely on one orifice opening and gravity within your typical broadcast system. The old broadcast systems used by many of my competitors, cannot match the application consistency of this forced air system. 

Schmidt's Aquatic, LLC

Schmidt's Aquatic LLC is a contracting company located in Wisconsin that does aquatic plant control.